Bonnie Siegler

I am a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at Columbia University. My research focuses on racial equity work in organizations and lies at the intersection of sociology of race/ethnicity, organizational sociology, and sociology of education. I am interested in discourse and its relationship to inequality in institutional settings. My past research has centered on school choice and inequality, with projects examining parent school choice narratives and the role of race in parent school preferences. My dissertation work focuses on discourse of racial equity in educational organizations. I investigate school district commitments to racial equity in 2020. In another project, I am also examining the ideology of diversity and the experiences of DEI workers in K-12 public and private schools. 

My research has been published in Sociology of Education and Socius (forthcoming), as well as the Book Reviews section of Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. As I am interested in discourse, beliefs, and attitude/behavior correlations, I use both qualitative and quantitative methods, primarily interviews, survey experiments, and computational text analysis. 

Before beginning my graduate studies at Columbia, I completed a Bachelor's degree in Sociology at Princeton University (2013) and a Master's degree in teaching at Relay Graduate School of Education (2015). I am passionate about educational equity, and I have worked in education for more than a decade as a classroom teacher, curriculum writer, mentor, and tutor.